Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Day(s)!

Snowy day in Sculpture Park, Seattle
We were expecting a little bit of snow this week, but little did everyone know that it would turn into snowed in for 3 days! I've been home since after work on Tuesday and while I'm fortunate to be able to work from home, I do have a serious case of cabin fever! Did I mention that I've been stuck in my apartment for 3 days?

Ellie's been super bored as well. Each morning while I'm working, she paces the apartment and will stop and sit and just stare at me.

We've made it out on a few afternoon walks though, and I think she enjoys it a lot!
Ellie is keeping warm with her layers!
Snowman in the park
More park snowmen
Ellie says "get all this snow off of me!"

Did I mention that I've had a lot of time on my hands? I was smart to buy lots of yarn before the big storm, just in case.

I made an infinity scarf and leg warmers!

Ellie likes it too!


  1. yikes...its snowing alright. Love the snowmans, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  2. Love Ellie in her layers!

    Also loving that infinity scarf. I just started knitting in November and I'm still trying to finish my first scarf. I'm slow.

  3. I heard about your massive snowstorm there! Wow! So glad you and your peep are havin fun in it Ellie :D Hurray for snowed in days! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  4. Wow, that is a lot of snow. How cool that you can make such cute things. I think Ellie needs some leg warmers to. :)
